
2020 Annual Meeting

Your AAR staff continues to work toward holding the Annual Meeting in Boston, Nov. 21-24, 2020. We are aware of the uncertainty and contradictory projections related to the COVID-19 pandemic and with health and safety as a priority, we will continue monitoring the guidance of governments and health experts as we plan and make decisions. Should any changes need to be made related to the 2020 Annual Meeting, we will promptly notify you.

2020 Regional Meetings

Open Registration:

All remaining regional meetings for 2020 have been canceled

Academic Relations Committee

Charge:  The Academic Relations Committee promotes attention to and develops resources for enhancing members’ professional development and the institutional forms within which the study of religion takes place. To fulfill its charge the Academic Relations Committee generates programs, undertakes studies, articulates best practices, and develops electronic and other resources for the undergraduate and graduate study of religion.

Composition:  Up to six members.

Term of Service:  Four years, non-renewable.

Meetings Schedule:

  • One in-person meeting at the Annual Meetings in November.
  • Spring and Fall virtual meetings via Zoom.

Duties and Responsibilities:Members of the Academic Relations Committee are expected to participate in the following:

  • Sponsored or co-sponsored sessions at the Annual Meetings.

Timeline of Activities:

  • Time commitments peak in March for planning of sessions/co-sponsored sessions for the following Annual Meeting. Time commitments peak again in the Fall as we prepare for the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Staff Liaison Job Title Phone Number
Joshua Patterson 404-727-2286

Committee Activities:

Teagle/AAR White Paper

2017 Leadership Workshop
2016 Leadership Workshop
2014 Leadership Workshop
2012 Leadership Workshop
2010 Leadership Workshop
2009 Leadership Workshop
2008 Leadership Workshop
2007 Leadership Workshop
2007 Diversifying Faculty Workshop

External Review Assistance:

Guide for Reviewing Programs in Religion and Theology
Request External Reviewer
Volunteer as External Reviewer

Past Surveys:

AAR Graduate Survey - 2002
AAR Undergraduate Survey - 2000
AAR Undergraduate Survey - 2005 (PDF)

Humanities Indicators from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Other Helpful Links:

Statement of Best Practices for the Posting of Graduation and Placement Records by Graduate Programs in the Academic Study of Religion

October 2009 RSN Article: “The Academic Study of Religion in the Face of Budget Cuts”

May 2008 RSN Focus on the Undergraduate Study of Religion:

  • AAR Undergraduate Departments Survey Shows Increases in Religious Studies
  • AAR Undergraduate Departments Survey Methodology
  • AAR Undergraduate Departments Survey Comparative Analysis of Wave I and II
  • Group Examines Undergraduate Research in Religious Studies

October 2007 RSN Focus on the Religion Major and Liberal Education:

  • The Religion Major in Transition
  • The Religion Major and Liberal Education: A Conversation
  • Proposals Offer Insight into Complexities of Religion Major
  • Do You Know Where Your Students Are? Tracking Undergraduate Religion Majors