Hearing Images: Film Music, Meaning-Making, and Lived Religion
Sunday, 1:00 PM–2:30 PM
Convention Center – 303*
John Lyden, Grand View University, Presiding
Featuring live musical performances of well-known film music, this 90-minute panel addresses the ways in which these interrelated disciplines might develop a thoroughly audiovisual approach toward the cinematic event and its significance for theological reflection, lived religion, and emerging spiritualties. Comprised of scholars who represent both the Religion, Film and Visual Culture Group and the Music and Religion Group, the range of topics includes the methodological difficulties that arise from an irreducibly multi-disciplinary endeavor; formal considerations of the position and function of music in film; an examination of what film music does to audiences and what audiences do with film music in the midst of the cinematic event; and how the notion of a 'soundtrack' (used in literal and metaphorical senses) is to be interpreted in the way that people construct personal narratives (religious or not) with reference to music. The panel will use two books as its touchstone: Kutter Callaway's Scoring Transcendence: Contemporary Film Music as Religious Experience (Baylor University Press, 2013), and Clive Marsh and Vaughan Robert's Personal Jesus: How Popular Music Shapes Our Souls (Baker Academic, 2013).
Kutter Callaway, Fuller Theological Seminary
Vaughan S. Roberts, Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick
Philip Stoltzfus, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Clive Marsh, University of Leicester
Maeve Louise Heaney, Australian Catholic University
Rebecca Ver Straten-McSparran, King's College London
Lady Parts: Biblical Women and The Vagina Monologues (Wipf and Stock, 2012)
Sunday, 8:00 PM–10:00 PM
Convention Center – 303*
J. R. Daniel Kirk, Fuller Theological Seminary, Presiding
Cosponsored by the Women and Religion Section and the SBL Women in the Biblical World Section.
What would happen if women from the Bible encountered Eve Ensler's controversial play, The Vagina Monologues? Undergraduate authors from Alma College and Barton College powerfully answered this question, drawing from both scholarly exegesis and personal experience. Their professors, Kathryn D. Blanchard and Jane S. Webster, were so impressed that they recruited several more contributing authors, including theologians, pastors, and biblical scholars. The collection, Biblical Women and The Vagina Monologues (2012), is now available from Wipf and Stock. This arts session will include performances of five monologues, followed by three scholarly responses, and time for questions with the authors, respondents, and coeditors.
Monologue Performances:
Lise Porter, Fuller Theological Seminary
DeAnna Daniels, Union Presbyterian Seminary
Jessica Becker Beamer, Farmington, MI
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Mallory Magelli, Vanderbilt University
Samaritan Woman
Jo-Ann Badley, The Seattle School
Mary Magdalene
Kathleen Roberts Skerrett, University of Richmond
Janet Everhart, Simpson College
Mary E. Hunt, Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual, Silver Spring, MD
Kathryn Blanchard, Alma College
Jane S. Webster, Barton College
*Please note that room locations are subject to change. Be sure to check your Program Book and Annual Meetings At-a-Glance to find the most up to date information.