Southeast Region

2014 Southeast Regional Meeting

March 7–9, 2014
Century Center Marriott
Atlanta, Georgia

Call for Papers

The following sections and program units invite members/participants who wish to present a paper or coordinate a session to submit the proposal submission form available on the SECSOR website ( along with proposals to the appropriate section chairs by October 7. Proposals should consist of a 1–2 page description of the presentation unless otherwise requested in the call for a particular section. Each member is limited to one proposal, although a member can submit the same proposal to multiple sections. If a member submits a proposal to multiple sections, the relevant sections must be ranked as first or second choice on the proposal submission form. Proposals for joint sessions as listed in the call should be sent to all involved section chairs, as directed, but do not have to be ranked.

Please note that unless otherwise indicated, papers must be of such a length as can be presented within 20 minutes, typically. Planned use of audio-visual equipment must be noted on the submission form. SECSOR will provide only a limited number of AV rooms with screen, cart, and power cords. Presenters must bring their own projection, audio, and other support equipment. It is imperative that we have all information concerning AV equipment on the proposal forms in order to insure presentations have the support needed. It is not possible to accommodate AV needs once meeting room assignments have been determined.

The copying of handouts is the responsibility of the presenter. All program participants must be registered for the meetings.

Section Calls

(SBL) New Testament

The New Testament Section invites proposals on the following themes:

  • Location: “In Place, Out of Place, ‘Trans’-Place, Re-Place.” In relation to the conference theme of Migration/Immigration, we anticipate offering two sections on papers related to “Location.” This may include papers engaged in “located readings” of specific New Testament texts with methodologies employing social, gendered, cultural, political, or economic location as an interpretive hermeneutic; and/or papers focused on the importance of location (e.g., sacred space, political location, geographic location) for interpreting the text of the New Testament and/or documents that stem from the Jewish and Hellenistic world during the Second Temple period.
  • Location: Same as above.
  • Open call: General papers in Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, or the Apocalypse.
  • Invited Panel: A shared section with the Hebrew Bible Section, in which an invited panel will discuss issues related to Bible and migration/immigration. The discussions will involve matters of the individuals’ experience of personal migration and its impact in both their scholarly work and on their pedagogy.

Paper proposals to be emailed to

(AAR) Religions in America

The Religions in America section seeks papers and panel proposals for the 2014 Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion. Papers in all areas of religions in America will be considered, but special consideration will be given to the following themes:

  • Communalism and practice
  • Evaluating space, place, region, and religion in U.S. immigration
  • Class and religion in America
  • Open call: Please submit paper proposals to Joshua Fleer (

For the Religions in America Section’s sponsored session on religion and law, we seek proposals related to the intersection of religion and law in America. Possible themes include:

  • Religious establishment(s)
  • Ministerial exception and religious exemptions
  • Free exercise
  • Theory and method in the study of religion and law
  • The legality of faith-based organizations.

Please submit religion and law paper proposals to Joshua Fleer ( and Brad Stoddard (

(AAR) Black Cultures and the Study of Religion

The Black Cultures and the Study of Religion Group welcomes papers on the following themes:

(SBL) Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Section invites proposals for a session to discuss the pedagogy of teaching the Bible online.We are especially interested in hearing about positive and negative experiences from professors in the region who have taught multiple online courses.

In addition, we invite proposals for two open sessions: The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Section will also cosponsor (with the New Testament Section) an invited panel on the issues of immigration and the Bible and an invited panel for a book review.

Send proposals to cochairs Bryan Bibb ( and Jim West (

(AAR) Islam

Proposals on all topics in Islamic Studies are welcome, but submissions on the following themes are especially invited:

  • Islam and Ecology: As part of a joint panel with the Religion and Ecology Section emphasizing Muslim ethical, religious, moral, and social engagement with the environment
  • Islam, the Study of Islam, and Contemporary Philosophy: Examining perspectives and insights emerging from the interplay of Islamic modes of reasoning and thought and western philosophical traditions (both continental and analytical)
  • Conversations in Islamic Studies: Prophecy and Power: This session invites discussants in a conversation with Professor Bruce Lawrence about the late Marilyn Waldman’s significant newly published work, Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in the Light of Comparison (Equinox, 2012), and to engage critical themes and issues in the study of the life of Muhammad.

Submit proposals to both Dave Damrel, University of South Carolina Upstate ( and Syed Rizwan Zamir, Davidson College (

(AAR) Method and Theory of Religion

The Method and Theory Section wishes to call for papers on two topics:

  • The Millennials, the Nones and Religious Alternatives: We seek papers that deal with the religious implications of the Millennials and the "nones." We are particularly interested in papers that deal with new religious movements and ideals that are targeted at Millennials (New Atheism, emerging church, spiritual-not-religious movements, etc.). What is the future of traditional religious institutions in the face of this new generation?
  • Colonialism, Post-colonialism and Religion: We seek papers that deal with the issues of religions in contact, historically or contemporarily, and the theoretical issues that arise in the context of religion in the contact zone. Any historical period or geographical locations are welcomed as well as theoretical explorations of the topic.

We also seek papers for an undergraduate section that are related to method and theory in the study of religion. Undergraduate student paper proposals must be sponsored by a faculty member who will act as mentor to the student. The faculty sponsor’s name should be included in the paper proposal.

Submit proposals to Randy Reed, Appalachian State University (, and Laura Ammon, Appalachian State University (

(AAR) Philosophy of Religion

Papers are invited for the following three sessions:

  • Comparative philosophy of religion
  • Philosophy of religion and social justice
  • Open call for papers in any area of philosophy of religion

For all sessions, please send proposals to J. Aaron Simmons, Furman University ( Proposals should be prepared for anonymous review and consist of a title, an abstract of 250–300 words, and the SECSOR proposal submission form.

(AAR) Religion, Culture, and the Arts

The Religion, Culture, and the Arts Section seeks papers and panel proposals related to the following themes:

  • Sacred literatures as text technologies
  • Religious art and culture in Latin and South America
  • Immigration, identity, and transnational religious art & literature
  • Manufacturing “religion” through objects and performances
  • Open call
  • Please submit proposals to section chairs Adam Ware, Florida State University, ( and Cara Burnidge, Florida State University, (

(AAR) Consultation: Religion and Ecology

The Religion and Ecology Section of the 2014 AAR Southeastern Regional Meeting calls for the submission of papers on the following themes:

  • Joint session between Religion and Ecology and Islam
  • Religion, climate change, and environmental justice
  • Religion and human–plant relations
  • Ecology, religion, and mixed media
  • Religion and the ecology of place
  • Joint session between Religion and Ecology Section and Religion, Ethics and Society Section on the theme of animals, food, and morality
  • Open Call

Submit all proposals to David C. McDuffie, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill ( and Todd LeVasseur, College of Charleston (

For the joint session between the Religion and Ecology Section and the Islam Section, also send proposals to Dave Damrel, University of South Carolina Upstate ( and Syed Rizwan Zamir, Davidson (

For the joint session between the Religion and Ecology Section and Religion, Ethics and Society Section, also send proposals to Sally Holt, Belmont University ( and Michael Stoltzfus, Valdosta State University (

(AAR) Teaching and Learning Religion

Teaching and Learning Religion offers the following calls for papers for one joint session with Black Cultures and the Study of Religion Section, and two solo sessions, one on pedagogy and another with a panel of students and researchers:

  • Joint Session: Teaching and Learning Religion section, in cooperation with Black Cultures and the Study of Religion Section calls for papers that explore the theme “The Fields of ‘Post’: Exploring Critical Pedagogies and the Counterparts of Post-race, Post-Marxism, and Post-Christian.” Specific concerns for the exploration of race, religion, and concepts of “colorblindness” and “classlessness.” Proposals should be submitted with copies to both sections. Email proposals to Drs. Reginaldo Braga Jr. ( and Derrick Lemons ( with copy to Dr. Roger Sneed (
  • Teaching and Learning Religion section calls for papers that explore the theme of “Flipping the Dynamics: Reimagining the Religion Classroom in an America of Minorities turned into Majorities.” The relations of knowledge and power have been dominant in critical pedagogies. Raising questions of the boundaries of pedagogy and the locus of social action in individual, groups, culture, or practices are at the heart of critical pedagogy. Of particular interest for this session, is how do faculty need to adjust to adapt to critical pedagogy and validated knowledge of a different student population? Proposals should be submitted to Drs. Reginaldo Braga Jr. ( and Derrick Lemons (
  • Panel Session: A panel session is offered convening students and professors exploring the theme of The Religion Learner’s Manifesto: Conversations on the Production of Knowledge within the Field of Religious Studies.” Undergraduate research is gaining space in the U.S. and abroad. Students are encouraged to develop “original” research questions to explore within a semester or over several semesters. Of course, faculty are asked to mentor these student researchers. The following are questions which this panel will consider: What are best practices for mentoring undergraduate research? What kind of pedagogy must faculty utilize to support students in original and creative research? How do faculty help students develop meaningful research topics? What do students expect from the experience of doing undergraduate research?

(AAR) Constructive Theologies


  • Open call
  • Ecclesiology Today: Proposals could engage a range of issues, including: contemporary ecumenism, understandings of power and authority in the church, the relationship between theology/theologians and the church (i.e., “ecclesial theology”), or views of the necessity of the church as traditionally expressed in the phrase extra ecclesiam nulla salus
  • Theology, Immigration, and the Other: We welcome proposals that explore the manifold theological dimensions of immigration and the intersection of national, political, and religious identities.

Submit all proposals to Cameron Jorgenson, Campbell University Divinity School (

(AAR) Women, Gender, and Religion

In addition to an open call, we welcome proposals that consider the following themes:

  • Women, gender, and religion in the theological academy: past, present, and future
  • Happiness, optimism, and affect theory in feminist and queer theory and their impact on ministry and ministry studies
  • Theological perspectives on transgender identity, intersexuality, and trans and intersex rights
  • For a joint session with the Religion, Ethics, and Society Group, papers exploring feminist and queer migrations (copy Sally Holt, Belmont University,, and Michael Stoltzfus, Valdosta State University,

Send all proposals to both cochairs: Brandy Daniels, ( and Richard Coble, (

(AAR) Ethics, Religion, and Society

Proposals on all topics will be considered, but the following topics are encouraged:

  • Ethics, disability, and chronic illness
  • Immigration, public policy and ethics
  • A joint session with Women and Religion on queer and feminist migrations, including both theoretical as well as ethical issues
  • A joint session with Religion and Ecology on animals, food and morality.

All submissions are encouraged to consider and pay close attention to issues pertaining to the balance between theory and applied ethics.

Submit proposals to Sally Holt, Belmont University ( and Michael Stoltzfus, Valdosta State University ( In addition, for the joint session between the Women and Religion Section and the Ethics, Religion and Society Section, also send proposals to ( and ( For the joint session between the Religion and Ecology Section and the Ethics, Religion, and Society Section, also send proposals to ( and (

(AAR) The Religions of Asia

In conjunction with the 2014 theme, ‘Migration and Immigration,’ we solicit proposals that address the impact of migration and immigration on Asian religious communities in North America and elsewhere with a focus on transnational issues of identity and practice. Papers that explore how religion is transplanted into new environments and the affects of this transplantation on the lives of immigrant communities are especially welcomed.

  • Hindu subgroups in the southeastern region. This session seeks to analyze the ways religious boundaries are constructed and contested in Hindu subgroups (Indo-Caribbean, Sindhi Hindus, Sri Lankans, and African-Hindus) and what processes of assertion and identification are utilized.
  • Roundtable discussion on teaching Asian religions in the southeast. This pedagogical session aims to provide valuable teaching resources, methods, and reflections on teaching Asian religions.
  • Asian religions and visual/material/technological culture
  • Open call

Send questions and proposals to Leena Taneja, Stetson University, ( and Warner Belanger, Georgia College and State University (

(AAR/SBL) Bible and Modern Culture


  • ”The Bible and the Making of the Modern Christian Diasporas”
  • “Tell me a Story: Narrative and Meaning.” Papers are sought which deal with aspects of narrative from literary, linguistic, or historical perspectives, including those related to the conference theme of migration and immigration.
  • Open call

Papers on diverse themes relating to Bible and Modern Culture are welcome. Submit proposals to Professor Brian Mooney, Johnson & Wales University ( or Dr. Finbar Benjamin, Oakwood University (

(AAR) Judaism

Proposals addressing any topic in Early Judaism and Contemporary Judaism will be considered,
but proposals are especially sought on the following themes:

  • Contemporary Judaism: any topic related to Judaism from the rabbinical period to the present day
  • Early Judaism: any topic related to Judaism in the Greco–Roman Period (c. 200 BCE to 135 CE) will be considered
  • Early Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Papers are sought that relate particularly to the sectarian documents of the DSS, but any subject pertaining to the Qumran scrolls or the Qumran community will be considered.

Submit all paper proposals by email to Michael Fuller, Lee University, (, and Samuel Kessler, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, ( ).

(AAR) History of Christianity

We invite proposals that relate the history of Christianity with the theme of the 2014 meeting, “Immigration and Migration.” Proposals may deal with any period of history and may be conducted from any methodological or theoretical starting point; the theme “Immigration and Migration” may be construed broadly to include any topic focused upon movement between geographical, social, conceptual, or discursive areas. In particular, we encourage proposals that fit within one of the following topics:

  • Social formation
  • Transmission of ideas
  • Psychology and/or emotion.

Send proposals to Erin Roberts, University of South Carolina (

(ASOR) Archaeology and the Ancient World


  • Presidential address
  • A session honoring the work of Dr. Joe Seger. We are particularly interested in the participation of his students and former students and coworkers, but will consider all papers related to Joe Seger’s work.
  • A session focusing on the contribution of epigraphy and inscriptions to field of Near Eastern Archaeology
  • One open session focused on excavation reports and other archaeological subjects.

Please send your proposal or complete paper (required of first-time presenters) to Chair: John D. Wineland ( Student papers will be considered for the Joseph A. Callaway Award.

Undergraduate Research

Students at institutions in the Southeast Region are invited to submit papers for the Undergraduate Sessions, sponsored by SECSOR. Open to all topics, the sessions will be composed of the papers considered the best submissions by an interdisciplinary committee. Students should submit completed papers that reflect original student research of an appropriate length for presentation (approximately 12 double-spaced pages). No paper over 15 doublespaced pages, regular size font, will be considered; one submission per student. On a cover page, please include contact information for the student and a faculty sponsor who has reviewed the submission. Electronic submissions preferred. Send submissions by December 15, 2013, to Lynn R. Huber, Elon University ( Note: Undergraduates may submit proposals to other sections as well.