AAR Officer Elections

A Message from the AAR Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is pleased to place eight excellent names on the ballot this year for the positions of vice president, program unit director, student director, and at-large director. We are grateful to each of them for their willingness to serve the Academy in this way.

Once again, AAR members will be able to vote by electronic ballot. A paper ballot will be mailed to members whose e-mail addresses are not on file. Please know that we guarantee the privacy of your vote.

We expect a large number of our members to vote in this election. Please be among them.

Jonathan Walton, Chair
Nominations Committee

2013 AAR Elections

By now, you should have received notice of the electronic ballot for the 2013 AAR elections. The vice president, program unit director, student director, and at-large director positions are to be filled during this election. You can view the candidates’ bios and statements at the links below. The successful candidates will take office at the conclusion of the 2013 Annual Meeting. This is a wonderful opportunity to influence the governance of the AAR, so please cast your vote for the candidates now.

Elections are open September 23 through October 23, 2013.

If you have not yet received a link to the ballot, please notify us via e-mail at nominations@aarweb.org. Be sure to include your full name and the e-mail address to which you would like the ballot link to be sent.

Click on the following links to view the candidates' bios and statements:

Vice President
Program Unit Director
At-Large Director
Student Director

Call for 2014 Officer Nominations

The Nominations Committee is pleased to announce that the vice president, secretary, and at-large director positions are up for election in 2014. To be considered for any elected position, please submit the following information:

  1. A brief biographical sketch of no more than 200 words
  2. Statement on your candidacy for the position, between 500–600 words (e.g., what objectives and goals you would bring to the position)
  3. Current curriculum vitae

Nominations must be received by January 1 of the election year and should be sent directly to the chair of the Nominations Committee, Jonathan Walton, at jonathan_walton@harvard.edu.

2014 AAR Elections – Officer Position Descriptions

Vice President
Serves a one-year term, so candidates run for election every year. The vice president will be in line to be confirmed president-elect in 2016, president in 2017, and will continue to serve on the Board of Directors as immediate president, for a total of four years of service. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors, the vice president serves on the Executive and Program Committees. During his or her tenure, the vice president will have the opportunity to affect AAR policy in powerful ways; in particular, during the presidential year, the incumbent makes all appointments of members to openings on committees.

Serves a three-year term, so candidates run for election every third year. The next election for secretary will take place in 2017. The secretary is responsible for recording and verifying the official records of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and the annual business meeting.

At-Large Directors
There are three at-large directors serving on the Board of Directors at any given time. Each at-large director serves a three-year term, so candidates run for election every third year. This means that there is an election for a new at-large director each and every year. At-large directors have no particular brief, but may, as needed, be tasked by the Board of Directors with various duties. They are charged to represent the needs and interests of the general AAR membership to the Board of Directors. At-large directors have a presence on the Finance, Program, and Planning Committees.