Theological Education Workshop

Theological Education Workshop
Theme: Teaching Theology in a Global and Transnational World

Friday, 1:45 PM–5:00 PM
Convention Center – 327

Kwok Pui Lan , Episcopal Divinity School, Presiding

Theological educators are called upon to educate leaders of faith communities who are prepared to lead in a globalized world. Although there has been a growing body of literature on global theology and the construction of theological doctrines from an intercultural or global perspective, theology is still largely taught in the same old way, which privileges the European and Euro-American traditions. This workshop aims to equip theological educators to teach in a way that always remembers we no longer teach merely in and to a national context alone but that we live in a global and transnational world.

Some of the questions we will explore include:

  • What are the possible "sources" for a global theology?
  • How can we teach theology bearing in mind the cultural diversity within the long tradition of Christian thought?
  • Whose voices are missing and how do we pay attention to the power dynamics of race, class, gender, and sexuality in the classroom?
  • What are the successful pedagogies and best practices to promote students’ global consciousness and prepare them as global citizens?
  • Where today are connections being made by Christians and people of faith from multiple settings that might have potential for raising (new) theological questions?
  • How can we approach the task of teaching theology in a global context from the perspective of comparative theology?
  • How shall we situate global theological voices in pedagogy and across the curriculum?

The first panel will uncover key issues concerning challenges of teaching theology in a global and transnational world. The second panel will offer pedagogical tools and approaches, with examples drawn from the classroom and beyond. There will be ample opportunities for collaborative reflection, sharing pedagogical resources, and building collegial networks of support.

William A. Dyrness, Fuller Theological Seminary
Miguel A. De La Torre, Iliff School of Theology
Eleazar S. Fernandez, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
John Thatamanil, Union Theological Seminary
Dwight N. Hopkins, University of Chicago
Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu, Loyola Marymount University
Teresia Mbari Hinga, Santa Clara University


The cost for the workshop is $30, which includes the entire afternoon of sessions and a coffee break.

Registration is limited to the first 75 participants.

To sign up for the workshop, return the registration form with payment by November 1. You may select it during the online Annual Meetings registration process, or if you have already registered for the meeting, you may contact or fax in this form to +1-404-727-7959.