Charge: The Status of Women in the Profession Committee recommends policies and good practices to assure the full access and academic freedom of women within the Academy and develops programs to enhance the status of women in the profession.
Composition: Up to six members
Term of Service: Four years, non-renewable
Meeting Schedule:
One in-person meeting at the Annual Meeting in November
Meetings in fall and winter via Zoom; additional Zoom meetings as needed
In February and October every other year, committee members meet in person with the other status committees for a summit. The next summit is scheduled for early 2019.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Members of the Status of Women in the Profession Committee are expected to participate in the following:
Timeline of Activities:
While not required, it is anticipated that the members of the SWP Committee will engage in the yearlong mentoring program and the mentoring lunch.
Committee Activities:
Join us on Facebook!
Work/Life Balance Project
The Committee on the Status of Women of the American Academy of Religion would like to invite you to participate in an examination of issues surrounding work/life balance. The committee is planning to develop a guide on this subject and is hoping that small groups all over the U.S. might meet to generate ideas about the topics and challenges that such a guide should cover and the potential solutions that it might lay out. You will find here our invitation to participate, guidelines for setting up a group, and reports from our initial meetings.
Work/Life Balance Resources:
Academic Advice Column
Ask "Academic Abby" about what's bugging you right now. Several women in the profession have volunteered to answer your questions about professional concerns. Contact them!
Sexual Harassment Policy
A Guide for Women in Religion: Making Your Way from A to Z, revised ed. Edited by Mary Hunt, Kecia Ali, Monique Moultrie, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. For more information, visit Palgrave Macmillan and search for ISBN: 9781137485724. The book is available in hardcover, paperback, and e-publication formats.
Please visit the Member Discounts page for how you can receive a discount. Discounted copies of the book will be on sale at the Women's Mentoring Luncheon at the 2016 Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting Events:
Mentoring Roundtable
Each year, the Status of Women in the Profession Committee organizes a luncheon during the Annual Meeting. Several mid-career and senior AAR scholars gather with newer and emerging scholars in the field to discuss pertinent issues like choosing an adviser, getting published, contract negotiation, and the challenge of balancing work and personal commitments. The lunch is cosponsored with the Status of Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Women's Caucus. Registration is required and the lunch costs $13. Click here for more information on the Mentoring Lunch, including registration information.
Special Topics Forums
The Status of Women in the Profession Committee holds at least one special topics forum on a subject of concern to women in religion. You can search the current year’s program in the online Program Book.
We will continue our initiative to increase the visibility of feminist scholars of religion on issues of public concern. Feel free to contact the committee's staff liaison with other ideas and topics:
2017: Women and Vulnerability in the Academy
2016: Power Dynamics and Gender in the Academy
2015: What Next? Institutional Changes in Work/Life Balance
2014: Work/Life Balance? Relationships and Academic Life
2013: Religion and the War on Women
2012: Beyond Identity Politics
2011: Mentoring Matters (Part I and II)
2010: Overcoming Institutional Resistance to Underrepresented Scholarship
2009: Got Life Yet? A Structural Analysis
2008: Making Room, Making Sense: Re-visioning our Fields, Re-bordering Scholarship
2007: Fifty Years of Women in the AAR and SBL: The Battles of Yesterday and the Challenges of Tomorrow
2006: Women Speaking to Religion and Leadership: Honoring the Work of Mercy Oduyoye
2005: Got Life? Finding Balance and Making Boundaries in the Academy
Childcare at the Annual Meeting
Through the work of the committee, childcare will again be on offer at the Annual Meeting. Please see the Annual Meeting General Information page for more details.
Religious Studies News
"Not for Women Only" is a biannual feature published in the Religious Studies News, written by members of the committee. "Not for Women Only" examines the political and professional issues that affect women—but not just women—in the profession.
The committee also published a "Focus" feature on Work/Life Balance in the October 2010 issue of Religious Studies News:
Also of Interest: