
2020 Annual Meeting

Your AAR staff continues to work toward holding the Annual Meeting in Boston, Nov. 21-24, 2020. We are aware of the uncertainty and contradictory projections related to the COVID-19 pandemic and with health and safety as a priority, we will continue monitoring the guidance of governments and health experts as we plan and make decisions. Should any changes need to be made related to the 2020 Annual Meeting, we will promptly notify you.

2020 Regional Meetings

Open Registration:

All remaining regional meetings for 2020 have been canceled

Executive Committee

Charge: The Executive Committee monitors the effectiveness of the AAR and the Committee evaluation process, and such other tasks as the Board may delegate. It may act on behalf of the Board of Directors on matters for which a decision is necessary between meetings of the Board. Such action requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Composition: President (Chair), President‐Elect, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer. The Executive Committee is staffed by the Executive Director.

Terms of Office: Ex officio terms for all committee members.

Staff Liaison Job Title Phone Number
Alice Hunt 404-727-3049