
2020 Annual Meeting

Your AAR staff continues to work toward holding the Annual Meeting in Boston, Nov. 21-24, 2020. We are aware of the uncertainty and contradictory projections related to the COVID-19 pandemic and with health and safety as a priority, we will continue monitoring the guidance of governments and health experts as we plan and make decisions. Should any changes need to be made related to the 2020 Annual Meeting, we will promptly notify you.

2020 Regional Meetings

Open Registration:

All remaining regional meetings for 2020 have been canceled

AAR Members Win NEH Grants

Congratulations to recent NEH grantees (and AAR members!) Amanda Baugh, Katharine Gerbner, Leor Halevi, Timothy Lubin, Karline McLain, Stephen Shoemaker, Jessica Starling, and Sufia Uddin. Read more about their winning projects below.


Amanda Baugh
Grant Type: Awards for Faculty
Project Title: Rethinking Religious Environmentalism

Description: Research and writing leading to a book about the environmental values of Latinx Catholics in Los Angeles and the history of American environmentalism.


Katharine Gerbner
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: Constructing Religion, Defining Crime: Slavery, Power, and Belief in Colonial America

Description: Research and writing leading to a book on the development of ideas about religion and religious freedom in colonial America as they were shaped by slavery and the criminalization of black religious practices.


Leor Halevi
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: Everyday Salafism in an Entangled World: The Saudi Spirit of Global Exchange in the Age of Bin Baz

Description: Research and writing a book on the effects of economic pressures on religious principles, specifically how Salafist Islam has adapted to economic growth and globalization.


Timothy Lubin
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: Hindu Law and the Brahmin Class on the Peripheries of India, 300 BCE - 1000 CE

Description: Research and writing leading to a book on the history of Hindu law and the Brahmin class in south and southeast Asia, covering the years 300 BCE to 1000 CE.


Karline McLain
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: Gandhi's Ashrams: Residential Experiments for Universal Wellbeing

Description: Research and writing a history of four utopian communities, established by Mohandas Gandhi in South Africa and India between 1904 and 1936, which provided a model for his social thought and politics.


Stephen Shoemaker
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: The Contours of Scripture at the End of Antiquity

Description: Research and writing a book on the origins of the Qur’an in the context of late antiquity.


Jessica Starling
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: Leprosy and Religion in Modern Japan

Description: Research and writing leading to a book based on an ethnographic study of Buddhist priests and lay people who work among Japanese leprosy patients.


Sufia Uddin
Grant Type: Fellowships
Project Title: Hindu and Muslim Veneration of Bonbibi in the Sundarban Region

Description: Preparation of a website to include documentation and analysis of Hindu and Muslim traditions and ceremonies venerating the saint Bonbibi in the Sundarban island region of Bangladesh and India.

Read the announcement from the NEH.