
August 2008






Luce Summer Seminars on Comparative Theology

The AAR is very pleased to announce that we have been awarded a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to deliver Summer Seminars on Theologies of Religious Pluralism and Comparative Theology to theological educators. These seminars will help faculty participants to formulate a working answer to the properly theological question, “What significance does my neighbor’s faith and tradition have for my own?” Two cohorts will each be composed of 25 participants and 8 instructors and will gather for a week-long event the first summer, then a one day event the following fall at the Annual Meeting, followed by another week-long event the next summer. For information on these summer seminars and to apply, please go to http://www.aarweb.org/Programs/summer_seminars/.






Annual Meeting News

September 15 is the deadline for pre-registration.
After September 15, Annual Meeting registration rates increase to the Regular Registration rate. Hotels are still available with the specially discounted hotel room rates. Registration and housing is available online.

  • If you have already registered, Annual Meeting name badge materials will be mailed to you in early September.

 2009 Annual Meeting Registration and Housing
Early Bird Registration will open for the 2009 Annual Meeting in Montréal, QC, during the dates of the 2008 meeting. If you register online on the AAR website between October 31 and November 4, you will receive a special discount on the 2009 Annual Meeting registration price and have a first shot at the hotels. Early Bird Registration will open Friday, October 31 at 1:00 pm. Register from any Internet location anywhere in the world to enjoy the savings. Computers will be available onsite in Chicago at the AAR booth and the Cyber Café in the Exhibit Hall for you to register for the 2009 meeting. You must be a 2009 AAR member to register for the 2009 meeting — so renew your AAR membership today!

Check out the Online Annual Meeting Program Book!
The complete Annual Meeting Program Book is online. The print Program Book will be included in the tote bag at the Annual Meeting, available in the registration area of the Chicago Hilton Towers Hotel.

Job Center
Registration for the Annual Meeting Job Center closes October 13, 2008. The Job Center is an efficient way for employers and candidates to communicate and participate in job interviews. Those who register by the deadline will receive full benefits.

Krista Tippett to Address Annual Meeting Leadership Workshop
American Public Media’s Speaking of Faith host and author Krista Tippett will be the featured speaker at the Leadership Workshop in Chicago on October 31. The workshop, "Taking Religion(s) Seriously: What Students Need to Know," will begin with Tippett's discussion of educating students for public life. Participants will receive a complimentary copy of Tippett's book, Speaking of Faith, and a book signing will follow the workshop. Online and mail-in/fax registration for the workshop is open. You can register online for the workshop. There is a limit of 75 people, so we strongly encourage early registration. See the October Religious Studies News for more details on the workshop.

In the Field/Events in Chicago
Did you know that there are additional conferences and events going on in Chicago at the same time as the Annual Meeting? Are you interested in the latest happenings in the field of religion? Would you like to post an announcement of an event, award competition, or other news of importance in the field? If so, In the Field is your resource for news of events and opportunities for scholars of religion published online by the AAR. (Also, check out the Additional Meetings program for more events occurring in conjunction with the AAR Annual Meeting.)

Travel Plans for Annual Meeting.
Be sure to make your travel plans and reservations early. Take advantage of specially discounted rates for travel to the AAR Annual Meeting this November! American Airlines is offering a 5 percent discount off published fares, including first class and international fares on American Airlines, American Eagle, and American Connection flights. Discounts do not apply to certain restricted fares and exclude sale fare inventories. You can call 1-800-433-1790 or use www.aa.com to make your reservations. Reference discount code A34H8AI.

Amtrak is offering a 10 percent discount for train travel to Chicago from October 29–November 4. You can call 1-800-872-1477 to make your reservations. Be sure to reference discount code X44S-935.

If you book through your own travel agency, be sure to give them the appropriate discount code above.





Especially For Students

American Theological Library Association/Graduate Student Committee Careers Beyond the Academy Luncheon RSVP
The RSVP system is now available for the “Careers Beyond the Academy” luncheon hosted by the American Theological Library Association and the Graduate Student Committee. Register online today; space is limited.

AAR is on Facebook
There is an AAR group on the social networking site, Facebook (www.facebook.com). You are invited to join the “Student Members and Friends of the American Academy of Religion.” This group is for past and current student members of the AAR. You must have a profile on Facebook to view or join the group. Please contact Director of Membership Development, Myesha D. Jenkins for more information.






In the Field Notices

Two for One International Schleiermacher Conference, October 29–31
AAR members are invited to attend a three-day conference, “Schleiermacher, the Study of Religion, and the Future of Theology: A Transatlantic Dialogue,” organized by the Schleiermacher Group of the AAR, hosted by the University of Chicago Divinity School, and timed in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Two dozen scholars, roughly half from Europe, will explore the significance and viability of key aspects of Schleiermacher’s theological and philosophical program.

Building a Social Theology for the America’s Conference
During a time when the United States is choosing its future leader and all in the Americas share concerns about immigration, economic disparity, globalization, and the state of our environment, Catholic Theological Union (CTU) and DePaul University in Chicago invite you to participate in “Transformed by Hope: Building a Catholic Social Theology for the Americas.” This conference, which marks the fortieth anniversary of the 1968 historic meeting of the Latin American Bishops' Conference (CELAM) in Medellín, Colombia, will bring the strength of Catholic social teaching to bear on the urgent concerns of our day. The goal is to project a vision of Christian hope and solidarity for the Church of the Americas. This unprecedented conference will take place October 29–31, 2008 at the campuses of CTU and DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois.





In Memoriam

Rosemary Skinner Keller
Rosemary Skinner Keller, Professor Emerita of Church History and former Academic Dean at Union Theological Seminary, New York City died on June 5, 2008 after a long battle with kidney cancer. Further information can be found at http://www.utsnyc.edu/NETCOMMUNITY/Page.aspx?pid=1075&srcid=598.






Your Membership Status

You have already renewed your membership for 2009. Thank you. Members who have renewed online for 2008 and 2009 by September 15, 2008 are eligible to win a free accommodations at the 2009 Annual Meeting! Membership resources are available at http://www.aarweb.org/Members/.






  1. Luce Summer Seminars on Comparative Theology
  2. Annual Meeting News
  3. Especially for Students
  4. In the Field Notices
  5. In Memoriam: Rosemary Skinner Keller
  6. Your Membership Status






Important Links

Luce Summer Seminars
Annual Meeting Registration & Housing
Renew AAR MembershipAnnual Meeting Program Book
Annual Meeting Job Center
Leadership Workshop
In the Field
ATLA Luncheon Reservation






Important Dates

September 15, 2008: Annual Meeting Registration Rates Change

October 13, 2008: Annual Meeting Job Center Registration Closes

October 31, 2008: 2009 Annual Meeting Registration Opens

November 1-3: 2008 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL







825 Houston Mill RD NE STE 300
Atlanta, GA 30329-4205

Tel: 1-404-727-3049
Fax: 1-404-727-7959
