
April 2008






Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting Registration and Housing

AAR Annual Meeting Registration and Housing opens on April 21 at 9:00 am EST! You must be registered to secure housing. “Advance” registration rates are in effect until September 15, 2008. Check your mailbox in early April for the AAR Registration and Housing brochure containing all the details, and visit www.aarweb.org to register and book housing online.

Annual Meeting Proposals

If you submitted a proposal for the Annual Meeting, you should have already received notification of whether your proposal was accepted or not. If you did not receive notification and submitted your proposal using the online proposal system, you can check your status by logging in to the OP3 system (if you submitted a proposal as a nonmember and have since renewed your membership, you will still need to use the nonmember tracking number given at the time of your proposal in order to see the proposal’s status). If the status is not listed, please contact the chairs of the Program Unit(s) to which you submitted.

Annual Meeting Program Planner

Update your mailing address now to receive a copy of the new Annual Meeting Program Planner, to bemailed in early June to all current members of the AAR. The Program Planner contains a listing of the day, time, and theme for all Annual Meeting and Additional Meetings sessions. The Annual Meeting Program Planner is a great way to begin your Annual Meeting planning. 

Make sure your membership address is listed correctly in the AAR member directory by logging in to www.aarweb.org/Members/My_Account. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. For more information on Annual Meeting publications, check out the May issue of Religious Studies News.

Additional Meetings

If you wish to schedule an Additional Meeting in conjunction with the AAR Annual Meeting in Chicago, please use our new online Additional Meetings request system. You must login with your AAR member ID to access the system. The online system allows you to:

  • Enter the complete information for the Additional Meeting, including special time, setup, or advertising requests. 
  • Check on the status for all of your Additional Meetings requests; you will be able to see all requests on the Additional Meetings main menu. Enter as many requests as you’d like; the online request system is open now!
  • Edit the Additional Meetings theme and advertising copy (if any) for publication in the all-new Annual Meeting Program Planner, online Program Book, and onsite Annual Meeting Program Book.
  • Receive e-mail confirmations and receipts of your Additional Meetings requests for your records.

Additional Meeting requests are scheduled Thursday, October 30 through Tuesday, November 4 on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that AAR does not permit any Additional Meetings sessions of a programmatic nature (i.e., scholarly panel or paper presentations) to occur during AAR session times (9:00 am–11:30 am and 1:00 pm–6:30 pm) beginning at noon on Saturday. This policy is to prevent any thematic conflicts between AAR and Additional Meetings. More information about Additional Meetings policies, rates, and deadlines is available online. The priority deadline for scheduling and publication in the Annual Meeting Program Planner is May 1, 2008 so submit your Additional Meeting requests today!





JAAR Call for Papers

China and India in the Euro-American Imagination

The JAAR invites papers that explore the specific ways in which knowledge of China and India has shaped understandings of religious thought and practice in the Euro-American West. While much scholarship in the past three decades has focused on the construction of “Hinduism,” “Buddhism,” and “Chinese Religions” in the context of Euro-American colonial ambitions, relatively less has been said about the role that burgeoning knowledge of the religious traditions of China and India played in the construction of the analytic categories of “religion” and “ethics.” Topics might include, but are certainly not limited to the role of Confucianism in the shaping of European notions of altruism; Jesuit interpretations of Confucius; the influence of the Upanisads on German Romanticism; Theosophical and New Age appropriations of the religions of the East; the place of Chinese thought in the development of Comparative Ethics; and Hindu Renaissance thinkers and the birth of the idea of inter-religious dialogue.

Deadline for submission is March 1, 2009. Please direct queries to jaar@virginia.edu.





AAR Unveils New Job Postings Online

On April 1 the AAR unveiled Job Postings, the most comprehensive public record of job listings for credentialed scholars in religion. It is available online and free to individual members of the AAR. Anyone, regardless of membership status, can advertise in Job Postings.

We invite you to explore our new Career Services menu on the AAR website. There you will find additional information about Job Postings and details about the 2008 Annual Meeting Job Center in Chicago. The menu also includes employment trends in the field of religion and resources designed to assist candidates in the job search.

Any questions regarding Career Services should be directed to Jessica Davenport at 404-727-4707 or emailed to careers@aarweb.org.





2007-2008 Employment Survey

To get a more accurate picture of the employment trends in the field, the AAR has created a web-based, anonymous survey to track hiring by specialization and to collect demographic information on job candidates. All candidates and employers who participated in the 2007 Employment Information Services Center in San Diego, CA will receive a survey the second week in April.  We ask that you take time to fill out the brief survey.  Your responses are essential to identifying hiring trends in the field.  We invite all members to review the results from previous employment surveys, which can be found on the AAR Career Services menu under “Employment Trends.”





Especially for Students

The Midwest Regional Meeting will be held April 4-5, 2008 at Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois. Please attend and support our undergraduate religion majors whose work will be presented in four sections of the meeting. For further details go to www.aarweb.org/About_AAR/Regions/Midwest.

Having trouble writing the dissertation project proposal? For graduate students at the qualifying exams and dissertation writing stages, we have a resource for you. Listed below is the link to an article on how to write better proposals offered by the Social Science Research Council (www.ssrc.org). This resource is for students in both the social sciences and the humanities.

The Art of Writing Proposals by Adam Przeworski and Frank Salomon. http://fellowships.ssrc.org/art_of_writing_proposals.





Huston Smith Publishing Prize

The submission deadline for HarperOne’s first annual Huston Smith Publishing Prize has been extended to August 1, 2008. To celebrate renowned scholar Huston Smith and the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking publication of The World’s Religions, the prize will be awarded to one author whose unpublished work best reflects the spirit of Huston Smith’s life’s work. Defined broadly, this will be a work of non-fiction written for a popular audience that promotes the cause of religious understanding in the world and its interface with culture. The winning author will receive a $25,000 advance against royalties and their manuscript will be published by HarperOne. The winner will be announced at the Annual Meeting of the AAR. Visit www.hustonsmithprize.com to see the official rules and submit your manuscript.






If you would like to receive free Table of Contents alerts from any of the journals published by Oxford University Press, including the JAAR, please fill out their on-line form, which can be found at jaar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/alerts/etoc.





Oxford University Press Newsletters

If you would like to receive special offers, discounts, and web exclusives within the subject areas of your choice, sign up online for OUP newsletters..






  1. Annual Meeting
  2. JAAR Call for Papers
  3. AAR Unveils New Job Postings Online
  4. 2007-2008 Employment Survey
  5. Especially for Students
  6. Huston Smith Publishing Prize
  7. JAAR e-TOC
  8. Oxford University Press Newsletters
  9. Your Membership Status






Important Links


Additional Meetings

Job Postings

Career Services






Important Dates

April 21, 2008
Registration and Housing Opens

May 1, 2008
Priority Deadline for Additional Meeting Requests

March 1, 2009
JAAR Call for Papers Deadline







825 Houston Mill RD NE STE 300
Atlanta, GA 30329-4205

Tel: 1-404-727-3049
Fax: 1-404-727-7959
