A Message from the Executive Director Friends: Greetings from the This month’s e-bulletin contains news about AAR programs regarding international scholars from China who will participate in the Annual Meeting, nominations to AAR Committees and Task Forces, grants for our study of the undergraduate religion major, and a question from our student director, Davina Lopez. You should be receiving the March issue of the Religious Studies News in the next few days as well. It is a large issue, and includes an interview with Jeff Stout, the AAR President, a Spotlight series of essays on theological education, and a Focus section on publishing in academe. With every good wish, I remain Yours, Jack Fitzmier Executive Director |
Co-sponsor a Chinese Scholar
The 2007 annual meeting’s international focus is on
Committee Nominations
The following committees and task forces will have openings this year: Academic Relations Committee, Employment Information Services Advisory, Graduate Student Committee, History of Religions Jury, International Connections Committee, Nominations Committee, Program Committee, Public Understanding of Religion Committee, Status of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Profession Committee, Status of Women in the Profession Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee, and the Theological Education Steering Committee. If you want to nominate a colleague or yourself, please send a letter explaining interest in serving on the particular committee, participation in the AAR, academic and professional interests, and a C.V. to nominations@aarweb.org; or by fax to: 404-727-7959; or mail to: Jack Fitzmier, Executive Director / American Academy of Religion / 825 Houston Mill RD NE STE 300 / Atlanta, GA 30329-4205 / USA. Deadline is May 1.
Seed Grants
Seed Grants available for departments to examine “The Religion Major and Liberal Education”: In conjunction with a grant from the Teagle Foundation to study the nature of the religion major and its role within a larger liberal education, the AAR is soliciting proposals from individual departments and programs to consider the religion major in their local contexts. The intent is to award a total of 10 grants at $500 each, which could lead to a larger grant from the Teagle Foundation. To apply, see http://www.aarweb.org/about/announce/2007/Teagle.asp. The deadline is April 15.
Regional Meetings
Meetings of the ten
Students on the Job Market
Davina C. Lopez, Student Director, would like to hear from students currently on the job market. What has it been like for you? Those interested in sharing their experiences are encouraged to contact Davina at davina.lopez@gmail.com.
Your Membership Status
Your membership is current for 2007. Thank you. Membership resources are available at http://www.aarweb.org/membership/.