American Academy of Religion

October 2006 e-Bulletin



A Message from the Executive Director


Greetings from Atlanta!  In this issue of the e-Bulletin you will find news about the activities of the AAR and resources to support your work in the study of religion.  There is an important update on Tariq Ramadan’s application for a visa, a link that allows you to nominate a colleague for our Excellence in Teaching Award, news about our Employment Information Services, a section designed “Especially for Students,” a reminder about the AAR election, and a number of announcements about our upcoming Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.  Speaking of Washington, this year’s Annual Meeting promises to be a wonderful event.  The breadth and diversity of our program has increased; we will hear from a number of engaging plenary speakers; and if early predictions are accurate, this joint meeting with the SBL will be our largest ever, with well over 10,000 members in attendance.  Please review the information in this bulletin and if you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices for assistance.  With every good wish, I remain



Jack Fitzmier

Executive Director



Annual Meeting


·        The Advance rate for Annual Meeting registration ends on October 15 – so register today at!


·        U.S. Government Renders Decision on Visa Application of Tariq Ramadan, declining to provide a visa for the Oxford University Professor of Islamic Studies. Hence, he will not be speaking, as previously scheduled, in a Sunday evening 2006 Annual Meeting plenary.  The AAR is consulting with its partners, the ACLU, the AAUP, and the Pen Center, to identify further options that might be pursued in support of Tariq Ramadan’s entry into the U.S.  Together, we are committed to the protection of academic freedom, and we recognize the importance of having in-person discourse with international scholars of religion.  More information is available at


·        Take advantage of two AAR Panels at the Library of Congress on America’s Religious Origins and International Religious Freedom. Both are on Monday, Nov. 20, at the Mumford Room, Madison Building, Capitol Hill (convenient subway travel there from Annual Meeting site):

·        1:30 PM-3:30 PM: “Writing the Story of America’s Religious Origins”: Catherine Albanese, Susan Jacoby, Mark Noll, Stephen Prothero, and Jonathan Sarna;

·        4:00 PM-6:00 PM: “Legislating International Religious Freedom”: Thomas Farr, Allen Hertzke, Elizabeth Prodromou, Timothy Shah, and Winnifred Sullivan.


·        The Employment Information Services Center is accepting preregistrations through October 23. Register early to receive full benefits. For more information, see


·        Chairs Workshop – Personnel Issues: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly will be conducted on the Friday before the Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.  Betty DeBerg, University of Northern Iowa, and Chester Gillis, Georgetown University, will lead the interactive workshop, and Daniel Aleshire, Association of Theological Schools, will join them as a panelist. To register and for more information, please go to Registration is $75 before October 31 and $100 thereafter. Discounts are available for multiple registrants from the same department/program.


·        As you make your Annual Meeting plans, please remember to check In the Field ( for additional events that will be held during the Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.  (You will need to log in to use this page, using your surname, “Gray,” and member ID, “Z28679.”)  To make a submission to In the Field, please visit


·        Wildcard Sessions: AAR is soliciting calls for wildcard sessions for the 2007 AAR Annual Meeting in San Diego. Wildcard sessions are fully developed sessions on topics independent of established program units. Wildcard session calls will be published in the 2007 Call for Papers and will invite people to submit papers or panel proposals in response. All wildcard session calls are subject to approval by the Program Committee at its December meeting. For more information about submitting a wildcard session call, please e-mail


AAR Election


You should have already received notice of the electronic ballot for the 2006 AAR elections. Please vote for vice president now (and no later than November 1, 2006) at The successful candidate will take office at the conclusion of the 2006 Annual Meeting.


CVs Online!


Openings advertisers and EIS employers can now view EIS candidate CVs online. To access the CVs, go to the “Additional Information” section at


Call for Papers JAAR Focus Issue: “Religion in Africa


The Journal of the American Academy of Religion seeks papers on all aspects of the study of religion in Africa for a focus issue to be published in 2007.  Papers should be 6,000-8,000 words in length and should be received at the address below, no later than Monday, February 5, 2007.  Submissions should include three hard copies of the manuscript along with a copy on disc (using a standard word-processing program in either PC or Mac format).  An abstract of not more than 150 words should accompany each manuscript.  Manuscripts without abstracts will not be considered until an abstract is received.  Please provide full contact information, including email, on a detachable cover page; please do not put your name or any contact information on the pages of the paper itself, for that would foil the anonymous review process.  All manuscripts accepted are subject to editorial modification. To see the full call, go to Please direct submissions to:


Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Department of Religious Studies

University of Virginia

PO Box 400126

Charlottesville, VA  22904-4126


Especially for Students


·        Students are encouraged to attend the “Especially for Students” program offerings at the 2006 Annual Meeting.  More information is available at


·        All student members are invited to the Decennial Celebration of the Student Liaison Group at the AAR’s Annual Meeting. A conversation on the past, present, and future of student participation and advocacy will be followed by a reception from 4:00 PM-6:30 PM on Saturday, November 18.


·        Online reservations are being accepted for the following Annual Meeting Student Luncheons: Wabash Center Student-Teacher Luncheon ( and ATLA Career Alternatives Luncheon for Doctoral Students ( Space is limited. Eligible students must reserve a space by Wednesday, November 15.


·        Students should contact their Student Liaisons for information particular to their institutional needs.  Many Student Liaisons are able to help students navigate arrangements for the Annual Meeting.  Student Liaisons, who represent institutions and programs granting the PhD in Religion and Theology, serve as a vital link between student members and the AAR.  To locate your Student Liaison, see the list at  If a Student Liaison does not currently represent your institution, the next appointment period will be in January 2007. Please contact Myesha Jenkins at for more information.


·        As always, all students are invited to contact Davina C. Lopez at, 2006-2007 Student Director, with questions and concerns.


Excellence in Teaching Award


Nominate a colleague for the AAR’s Excellence in Teaching Award: The AAR’s Committee on Teaching and Learning accepts nominees for its annual award, which recognizes the importance of teaching and honors outstanding teaching in the field. The deadline for nominating someone is January 10. See details at


Your Membership Status


You have already renewed your membership for 2007. Thank you. Members who have renewed online for 2006 and 2007 by October 15, 2006 are eligible to win a free accommodations at the 2007 Annual Meeting! Membership resources are available at